Food Facts

Whole foods
When taking a holistic approach to recovery, one thing is for sure... you must consider how to best feed your body. By eliminating the chemicals and processed ingredients going into your body early on, you can improve your overall health and energy levels during recovery and long after.
Creative and healthy ways to eat include:
Shop for whole foods and limit processed ingredients
Discard processed sugars and the many foods that contain them
Avoid caffeine... sticking to decaf coffee, and herbal teas as main choices
Enjoy cooking your own meals whenever possible, and Pack Your Lunch!
Make eating an adventure into unknown territory!

Facts About Eggs
Regardless of which came first—the chicken or the egg—you can be certain the first egg was organic! Today, for eggs to be labeled as organic, they must meet requirements drawn up and enforced by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The feed given to the chickens cannot come from crops that are genetically modified, treated with pesticides or herbicides, or fertilized with chemical or synthetic products. The chickens also cannot be treated with hormones, antibiotics or other pharmaceuticals. Organic eggs are free from any of these potentially harmful chemical residues.

Milk Facts
Organic dairy cows produce about half as much milk as conventional dairy cows. That's because organically raised cows are not pushed to the limit in terms of milk production, which may also contribute to a relatively low incidence of metabolic diseases in organic dairies. Cows don’t need antibiotics and hormones to stay healthy. In fact, a common growth hormone is given to non-organic dairy cows, not for their health, but with the sole objective of artificially enhancing milk production.

Healthy Cooking Oils
We use cooking oils all the time, probably consuming more of the substance than most other foods we eat. Of all the available oils, coconut oil is our oil of choice for cooking because it is less susceptible than most to heat damage. Coconut oil is an amazingly-versatile, nutrient-dense superfood that is the richest known source of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs), which aid in the proper digestion and assimilation of fats, as well as boost energy levels. Here are 7 of the healthiest organic cooking oils: Be sure and take notice which oils are good for high heat cooking or not.

Natural Sweeteners
Our list is short. Very short. There are so many varying opinions on the healthiest natural sweeteners that we have made a short list which very few can argue against. It is so easy, and delicious we might add, to make this incredible change to eliminate processed sugars from your life! Here are our top picks for your sweet tooth!
Pure Maple Syrup
Coconut Sugar
Molasses or raw Turbinado
Date Sugar